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DIY Science Projects

How to use - Camera obscura

  • The image in the box is quite dark because without optics (lens) the hole (pinhole) must be very small to ensure sufficient sharpness. It is therfore better to choose very bright subjects, for example, an outdoor landscape.


    Put your hands close to the face to protect yourself from side lights. The hands can be even closer to the face. You can also hold the oculars the way you would use binoculars.


  • Looking through the oculars, the image is projected upside down on the tracing paper as it retains some of the light.


    This image was taken with a camera inserted into the box. In reality the image is more distant.

  • The image is reproduced upside down because the rays of light are straight and intersect through the hole.


    We find the same phenomenon in any camera or simply in our eyes. If we see images the right way up it's because our brain 'turns' the image!

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