La plate-forme collaborative de bricolages scientifiques et pédagogiques

Réalisation - Backward writing

  • Etape 1

    Method 1:


    Write your name with a reservoir pen whose ink takes a little time to dry or with paint and quickly fold the paper in two so that the ink will print upside down.

  • Etape 2

    Method 2:


    Write your name on a transparent surface (transparent tape, glass) and watch from the other side.

  • Etape 3

    Method 3:


    Carve your name on a half potato and use it as a stamp with paint.

  • Etape 4

    Method 4:


    Practise writing your name backwards and to go even further, learn to write the whole alphabet in reverse. You will then be able to write, like Leonardo da Vinci, whole sentences in specular writing!

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