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Liens&Références - Solar oven

Bricolages similaires ou qui ont inspiré ce bricolage

DIY solar oven plans
proposé par martin
plans for the construction of various solar ovens.

Roger Bernard and his solar cookers
proposé par martin
Roger Bernard is the inventor of many models of solar cookers. He has published several books including 'easy solar cooking' and 'solar cooking for beginners'.

Solar Cooking Atlas
proposé par martin
A site devoted to solar cooking and proposing models of solar cookers and even recipes.

Pour approfondir le thème

Greenhouse effect
proposé par martin
All about greenhouse effect thanks to Wikipedia

Solar thermal collector
proposé par martin
Solar thermal collectors in Wikipedia.

A interesting site about solar cooking
proposé par martin
Mason is a boy scout and learning all about solar cooking for his Camping Merit Badge. He recommended us this very interesting site.