Fonctionnement - Solar hot water panel
Fill the PET bottle funnel (expansion tank) with water and, using a small tube, purge the system by sucking the water.
Install the solar hot water panel exactly in front of the Sun.
After about 15 minutes, the water will have already heated up. Looking carefully at the expansion tank it should be possible to notice water movements.
Be careful, the water temperature can climb over 60 ° C! The back board of the photo frame can be used as a glass protection during transport.
This video shows how to view the movement of the water in the pipe by adding a bit of food colouring in the circuit. This helps to view the thermosyphon effect.
Even if the experiment was carried out in Falls, the water temperature reached up to 54 ° C. You can clearly see a dark blue column of water coming out of the other end of the tube.