La plate-forme collaborative de bricolages scientifiques et pédagogiques

Fonctionnement - Hydroelectric power plant 2

  • Rotate the turbine using a garden hose, a faucet with a sufficient flow or the current of a river.


    The LED inside the bucket will lit as soon as the speed is sufficient.


    The adjustment of the distance between the magnets and the copper reels is made by using the nuts on the side the bucket side. The magnets should pass as close as possible of the reels but without touching them.


    To test, quickly turn with your fingers the end of the metal rod. If the led does not light, check the contacts.


    warning If you are using a water jet, it's better to be two to operate. One holding the bucket and the other one aiming at the turbine with the hose (don't be afraid to get wet!).


  • Here is a little video of the turbine in operation. The current of a stream is sometimes sufficient.

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05.07.2012 - gdelac

En 2012 à Lutry, des élèves de 8e année ont réalisé le bricolage de centrale hydro-électrique avec le soutien d'Info-Energie (Service de l'énergie du canton de Vaud). Ils ont créé un panneau d'information pour illustrer leur bricolage lors d'une exposition organisée à l'attention des autres élève...