The collaborative platform for educational
DIY Science Projects

Description of the material - Solar oven

  • 1x
    A4 cardboard box with lid

  • 1x
    small glass rectangle with the edges 'planed' to avoid cuttings

  • 1x
    transparent A4 sheet (acetate).

  • 1x
    13 mm thick piece of Expanded polystyrene (sagex)

  • 2x
    13 mm thick pieces of expanded polystyrene (sagex)

  • 2x
    13 mm thick pieces of expanded polystyrene (sagex)

  • 1x
    small aluminium foil container for freezer

  • 1x
    aluminium foil roll

  • 1x
    two component glue or PVC glue

  • 1x
    60 mm wide double-sided adhesive tape (for carpets)

  • 1x
    packing brown adhesive tape, 50 mm wide

  • 1x
    gouache paint and brush

A4 cardboard box with lid

Original material, used by Martin

Price3 CHF
It is important to adapt the size of the insulation according to the size of the selected cardboard box.

The cardboard box we used was made for stocking A4 documents. As it was deep enough (approx. 17 cm) this box was ideal for the solar oven project.

small glass rectangle with the edges 'planed' to avoid cuttings

Original material, used by Martin

Price3 CHF
Ask a glazier or buy a cheap photo frame

09.03.2011 - Martin

Coop Brico - Léman Centre - Crissier.
Rayon près du bois avec plaques de plexi, forex, etc.
Nb./Ref.3227381 - verre minéral 10x15cm
Price1.10 CHF
Au coop brico (Léman centre), ils vendent des plaques de verre pré-découpées.
Choisir un verre pas dépoli.

09.03.2011 - Martin

Price6 CHF (env.)
Pour la plaque de verre, il est possible d'acheter un petit cadre photo. C'est parfois meilleur marché que de se faire couper une plaque de verre. Par contre il faut trouver un petit format de vitre 10x15.
Attention, il faut que cela soit du verre pour que l'effet de serre se produise efficacement !

transparent A4 sheet (acetate).

Original material, used by Martin

Price1 CHF
Can be purchased in any stationery shop.