La plate-forme collaborative de bricolages scientifiques et pédagogiques

Fonctionnement - Crank flashlight

  • Avertissement

    If the LED doesn't light up, turn the disc the other way round. Unlike the bulbs, LEDs do not work both way. If necessary, switch positions of the wires connected to the led.


    Some "tuning" is often necessary:

    • Are all nuts tight?
    • Are all electrical contacts tighly screwed?
    • Is the "metal connector" properly fixed and aligned with the axis of the motor ?
    • Is the metal connector not touching one of the bolts of the electric motor ?
    • Does everything turn freely?

  • A short video of the crank torch in operation.

2 Témoignages | Ajouter

06.07.2012 - Martin

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