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Fonctionnement - Faraday torch

  • Choose a place not too bright to check if the system works.


    Put the switch on and shake the torch to move the magnet through the copper coil in a "side to side" movement. The LED should light up following the movements of the magnet. This confirms that the torch is producing electricty.


    If no light is produced, check the connections and look for any short circuit. 

  • Put the switch off and shake the torch for about 2 minutes.


    When switching back, the led should light up without having to shake the lamp. This shows that the electricity comes directly from condenser.

  • Each time the magnet passes through the copper coil, the electrons inside the copper wire are "excited" and produce an electric current.


    This current is called "alternating current" as the magnet passes in the coil alternatively from left to right and from right to left.


    As the condenser works with direct current, the alternating current must be transformed, that's the job of the rectifier.


    The "rectified" current (now a direct current) is then stocked in the condenser. Each time the lamp is switched on, the stocked energy is freed from the condenser and feeds the led which can then produce light.

  • A little video published online :


3 Témoignages | Ajouter

16.05.2013 - Martin

Merci pour les remarques! L'erreur de connexion a été corrigée et l'image remplacée.

10.05.2013 - Nathalie Mancini

 Comme promis mais avec du retard voici quelques commentaires: bricolage sympa et intéressant.  Remarque en page 5 du mode d'emploi rubrique 4 il y 3 fils sortant de la partie gauche du sucre! au lieu de 2; l'utilisation de bouteilles lisses permettrait de mieux ajuster sur la longueur ...

22.11.2012 - 1D4ever

c'est tres cool!J'ai envie d'en faire un!:)