Step 1
Make two holes in a film
can near its opening.
Press two straw pieces as
bush bearings.
Step 2This is a view from the top with the two straws push through the holes of the film can.
Step 3Take a piece of rubber
and stick two neodymium magnets in between.
Step 4Poke a piece of bicycle
spoke in the rubber as the axle or the shaf.
Step 5And now weave the two
bicycle spokes in the two bearings.
Step 6
One hole in the film can
is split.
This helps to put the axle in place.
Step 7Wind 800 turns of thin enamelled (insulated) copper wire (36 gauge) aroung the film can.
Step 8Scrape the copper wire ends with sand paper and connect them to a LED.
Step 9When rotating the spoke,
the LED should light up.
Step 10Fold a strip of stiff
card to create a turbine.
Step 11This is the turbine finished
Step 12Attach the turbine to
the end of the bicycle spoke.
Step 13Using two sticks, fix and glue the generator to a bottle cap with a
Step 14Screw
the cap on a plastic bottle with the bottom part cut off.